The changelog for current versions of ARX is available on our GitHub page.
ARX 3.7.1
- Prevent exception when using Differential Privacy
ARX 3.7.0
New Features
- Core: Added method for clustering-based microaggregation
- Core: Added method specifying for functional transformation rules for dates
- Core: Added methods for risk assessment using wildcard matching
- Core: Added methods for applying local data transformation schemes
- Core: Added new types of privacy-preserving classification models
- Core: Added new methods for analyzing the accuracy of privacy-preserving classification models
- Core: New method for optimizing output data to improve the accuracy of privacy-preserving classification models
- Core: New methods supporting the quantitative analysis of the quality of output data
- GUI: Added wizard for creating transformation rules for dates
- GUI: Added dialog for local data transformation, cell suppression and microaggregation
- GUI: Added new views for visualizing accuracy estimates of classification models
- GUI: New view for quantitative analyses of data quality
- Core: Improved performance of t-closeness for ordered attributes
- Core: Reduced memory consumption
- GUI: Improved control over asynchronous analyses
- GUI: Improved execution time estimates for long-running tasks
- Various minor improvements
- Various minor bugfixes
ARX 3.6.0
New features
- Core: Implement hierarchy builder for dates
- Core: Implement new privacy models (basic and enhanced beta-likeness)
- Core: Implement method for generating reports
- GUI: Implement dialog for building hierarchies for dates
- GUI: Add locale to data types
- GUI: Improve performance of preview
- GUI: Show attribute types when displaying features and classes
- Core: Implement additional method for optimizing output data
- Core: Extend summary statistics
- Core: Add f-score to classification analysis
- Various minor improvements
- Core: Fix domain share for interval-based transformations
- GUI: Fix memory and resource leaks
- GUI: Fix row height of table
- Various minor bugfixes
ARX 3.5.1
- GUI: Fix bug which prevented the use of local recoding
- GUI: Fix bug which prevented the use of delta-presence
- Core: Handle floating point issues in game theoretic cost/benefit model
ARX 3.5.0
New features
- Core: Implement new method for considering the impact of microaggregation on data quality
- Core: Implement game-theoretic approach for optimizing the profitability of publishing de-identified data based on cost/benefit analyses
- Core: Implement record-level entropy-based model for measuring information loss
- Core: Implement corrected Grassberger estimator for entropy-l-diversity
- Core: Implement t-closeness for numeric attributes
- Core: Implement alpha-distinction and beta-separation for detecting quasi-identifiers
- GUI: Improve synchronization of tables
- Various minor improvements
- GUI: Make calculations of risks deterministic to prevent inconsistencies
- GUI: Fix import from relational databases
- Core: Fix import from relational databases
- Various minor bugfixes
ARX 3.4.2
- Fix JDBC import dialog
- Make sure that all data is trimmed during import
- Fix corruption of files when creating projects with empty hierarchies
ARX 3.4.1
- GUI: Fix CSV and Excel import
ARX 3.4.0
New features
- Core: Implement sane method for analyzing classification accuracy
- Core: Implement methods for analyzing the distribution of re-identification risks
- Core: Implement new privacy model: estimated k-map
- Core: Implement generalization/suppression factor for AECS quality model
- Core: Implement generalization/suppression factor for Non-Uniform Entropy quality model
- GUI: Implement view for analyzing precision and recall of a statistical classifier
- GUI: Implement method for top/bottom coding
- GUI: Implement views for analyzing the distribution of re-identification risks
- Core: Make suppression string a constant
- Core: Improve implementation of entropy-l-diversity
- GUI: Improve views for analyzing classification accuracy
- GUI: Show whether the currect solution is a global optimum
- GUI: Automatically add transformations of interest to the clipboard
- GUI: Use MySQL connector licensed with Oracle FOSS license
- Tests: Redesign path structure for loading data
- Tests: Add test cases for anonymization with data subsets
- Tests: Add test cases for risk-based anonymization
- Tests: Add test cases for local recoding
- Core: Do not use suppressed records when estimating risks
- Core: Fix resource leak when loading data
- GUI: Handle differential privacy correctly
- GUI: Fix error when reading/writing projects with empty hierarchies
- GUI: Correctly show tooltips
- GUI: Allow using quasi-identifiers with no hierarchy assigned
- GUI: Fix errors with backwards compatibility
- Tests: Make differential privacy deterministic
ARX 3.3.1
New features
- Implemented derived risk metrics, including measures for prosecutor, journalist and marketer risk.
- Implemented new perspective in the GUI for analyzing these risks.
- Implemented methods for analyzing data mining utility with logistic regression.
- Implemented new perspective in the GUI for analyzing classification accuracy.
- Implemented new privacy model k-map.
- Implemented new privacy model d-disclosure privacy.
- Improved visualization of percentages in the GUI.
- Improved export of data from tables in CSV format.
- Improved utilization of the clipboard in the GUI.
- Updates some labels and messages.
- Improved help with new content.
- Improved detection of HIPAA identifiers. Display confidences.
- Improved editing of population parameters.
- Improved configuration of parameters of privacy models.
- Improved multi-threading in the utility analysis perspective.
- Improved process of solving equation systems for the Pitman model.
- Improved rendering of numbers in the whole GUI.
- Improved performance of hashing. Partial unrolling.
- Various minor improvements.
- Fixed utility measurement when using differential privacy.
- Fixed file-handling, check if files exist.
- Fixed a bug with backwards compatibility.
- Fixed calculation of geometric mean in summary statistics.
- Fixed calculation of geometric mean in micro-aggregation.
- Various minor fixes.
ARX 3.3.0
- Added method for local recoding with k-anonymity, l-diversity and t-closeness
- Added example project file with high-dimensional data
- Added methods for detecting HIPAA identifiers
- Added implementation of (e,d)-differential privacy
- Added utility measures KL divergence and Ambiguity
- Improved performance of maintaining the solution space
- Implemented critical bugfix to ensure correct classification of the solution space
- Added various minor bugfixes and improvements
ARX 3.2.1
- Fix risk-based anonymization and analysis
- Fix normalized entropy measure
ARX 3.2.0
- Added support for anonymizing high-dimensional datasets
- Changed GUI to support high-dimensional datasets
- Added new utility measures: normalized non-uniform entropy and ambiguity
- Implemented implicit representation of the solution space: ~10% performance improvement and significant reduction of memory requirements
- Fixed multiple resource leaks
- Fixed ~10% performance regression introduced in version 3.1.0
- Various other small improvements and bug fixes
ARX 3.1.0
- Implement microaggregation as a new coding model
- Add support for Oracle DB
- Fix bug in statistics when used with subsets
- Fix some resource leaks
- Various other small improvements and bug fixes
ARX 3.0.0
- Implemented methods for analyzing re-identification risks (sample uniqueness, average class size, population uniqueness according to different super-population models)
- Implemented methods for risk-based anonymization (sample uniqueness, average class size, population uniqueness according to different super-population models)
- Improved reading and writing of CSV files
- Implemented auto-detection of data types
- Implemented methods for data cleansing
- Improved handling of missing values (“null” values)
- Implemented new visualizations of the solution space
- Improved query builder
- Fixed (non-critical) bug in d-presence model. Solution might not have been optimal.
- Various small improvements and bug fixes
ARX 2.3.2
- Bugfix: handle zeros correctly in computing the geometric mean for relative comparisons
- Change license to Apache License, Version 2.0
ARX 2.3.1
- Various bugfixes
- Performance improvements
ARX 2.3
Critical bugfixes
- Correctly enforce d-min in (d-min, d-max)-presence
- Remove option “protect sensitive associations” due to faulty implementation
Enhancements (ARX Engine)
- Implement novel pruning strategy
- Introduce localization for data types
- Improved subsystem for measuring data utility
- Implement new default metric (Loss)
- Implement support for attribute weights
- Implement configurable coding model for Loss metric
- Implement configurable aggregate function for most metrics
Enhancements (GUI)
- Provide tooltips and clipboard support for all tables
- Improvided data visualization
- Remove legacy Swing components
- Support attribute weights and parametrizable coding model
- Visualize data and hierarchies with virtual tables
- Updated NatTable to version 1.1.0
- Fix fonts in tables on OSX
ARX 2.2
- Update data visualization components
- Performance improvement for non-monotonic criteria
- Bugfixes
ARX 2.1
- Improved data import
- Support for continuous variables
- Functional representations of generalization hierarchies
- Support creating multiple transformations simultaneously
- Improved support of data types
- Improved data visualizations
- Expose all features via API and GUI
- Various bugfixes
ARX 2.0
- Implement d-Presence
- Support for research subsets
- Support for multiple sensitive attributes
- Improved algorithms for non-monotonic privacy criteria
- More flexible API
- Improved GUI
- Various bugfixes
ARX 1.0
- Implement basic k-anonymity
- Implement distinct-, entropy- and recursive-(c,l)-diversity
- Support t-closeness with and without hierarchies
- Initial version of the GUI