
The current version of ARX is 3.9.1 (last update: 27. November 2022). Distributions for various operating systems are available as downloads below.

To verify the integrity of a download you can use the checksums contained in this file which we have signed with our PGP/GPG key (signature here).

Note: To support our research, please cite one of our papers instead of referencing our website in scientific articles. Thanks.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use ARX except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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Anonymization Tool

The ARX graphical anonymization tool is a platform-independent Java/SWT application. We provide self-contained binary installers, as well as executable jar files.


The installers were built with BitRocks InstallBuilder.

Windows 64-Bit MacOS 64-Bit Linux/GTK 64-Bit

Example Project

This project file can be used to try the tool.

Example project file

Runnable Jar Files

Runnable Jar files require a current Oracle or OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment. Note: MacOS users might need to pass the -XstartOnFirstThread flag to the JVM when launching the application.

Windows 64-Bit MacOS 64-Bit Linux/GTK 64-Bit

Java Library

The ARX Java library provides data anonymization functionalities to other software systems. Dependencies to external libraries are listed here.

Cross-plattform Java Library (Including Dependencies) Cross-plattform Java Library (Without Dependencies)


The following files contain the source code of the current version of ARX.

GUI Source Library Source


The following files contain the documentation for the above source code distributions.

API/Library User API/Library Developer GUI Developer

Code Repository

The source code of this project is hosted on GitHub.

Fork me on GitHub